When I received an offer to try new product a few weeks ago, I was wondering what it is? It's a coconut oil. Is it a cooking oil? Is it a body moisturizer or something for your body? Is it a hair product? Is it ok to put it on your face? The answer is YES to all that questions. How could? and the most important question is 

I personally don't really follow the trend of beauty products or anything like that. But sometimes I do watch my favorite youtubers talking about their favorite products or monthly favorite. This time round I want to share with you one of my favorite product for the past few days. Before I review this products I tried it first for a week just to see if  I am allergic or not and find out whether this product is worth it or not, but luckily, I am not allergic and the product is worth it. 

I've previously never tried this kind of product before. It is an extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO) by Coco Milagro. It is a multi purpose coconut oil product. It works really well as your cooking oil, as your body moisturizer, sunblock, nourishing your hair, makeup remover, and many more. 
I like the packaging, a spray bottle to keep it hygiene and prevent it for spilling everywhere. There are two sizes, 25ml and 100ml. The small one (25ml) is really perfect for travelling. I mean, you just have to bring a small bottle to carry around as your makeup remover, hair vitamin and sunblock for protecting your hair and body from the sun when you travel. You can also mix it to your daily meals and drinks to make it healthier. Read more about the details here.



As you can see, it works really well to wipe off my waterproof gel eyeliner. I add it to my makeup routine (now, I sound like a beauty blogger right? hahah) My favorite thing about this product is I like the natural smell of this coconut oil, more like a coconut milk kind of smell.

If you are looking for a multipurpose oil, this is the right product for you. You can bring it as your travel buddy for example, you don't have to bring another moisturizer, another sunblock, another makeup remover, another hair vitamin, or another cooking oil (if you want to cook at your villa).

How to buy?
Simply go to their website, there is a launching promo, where you get 30% off the regular price. My readers also get another 10% off by adding this promo code 1VN21. Enjoy!

xx, Vonny


*Coco Milagro has sent me this product to try, however everything written in this blog post is truly my opinion according to my own experience with the product.*


  1. Oh my god, that eyeliner disappeared like magic! What a great product. I love using this on my hair because I dye it and bleach it a lot (I know... I'm a sinner) Great review <3

  2. pastinya enak banget juga untuk bersihin bibir dari liquid lipstick yang susah untuk dibersihin ya...natural pula!

    cheers, Jalan2Liburan

  3. Replies
    1. Hahah yaa namanya juga selera, hampir semua foto saya di blog ini memang sengaja diedit lbh terang, high contrast, high exposure, karena lebih suka yang begitu.

  4. Hello. First of all, thank you for sharing. I would love to try these products as well. Can't wait for your upcoming posts. Have a lovely day, Kak! :)

    All the love, Eiren. xx

  5. Jadi kita kalo pake ini akan tetep virgin/perawan gitu yaaa ??? #gagalFokus #laluDigampar

  6. makasih bro tentang infonya dan salam sukses

  7. terimakasih gan buat infonya dan semoga bermanfaat

  8. mantap bos artikelnya dan salam kenal


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